

Weekly Subscription Problems

Dear readers,

Almost exactly three years ago I was having problems sending out update notices for my weekly page, related to my move to NYC and ISP incompatibility. The solution I went with, NotifyList, has turned out to be far from ideal, as now I'm hearing more and more from many of you that updates are not being received, even though I'm sending them. After repeatedly contacting NotifyList with the problem and getting nowhere, I've decided it's time to find another way to deliver my weekly subscriptions, though at the moment I'm not sure what that is.

In the meantime I'm going to suspend new subscriptions via NotifyList, though I'll continue to send them out, hoping they still reach a few people. People interested in e-mail subscriptions to my daily and weekly pages can sign up via Feedburner on the sidebar at right. Hopefully I'll find a solution and migrate the current list of subscribers before the end of the year. Please bear with me as I figure out how to deliver these weekly updates to you.

It seems appropriate to copy the last paragraph from my post three years ago:

If anybody has any advice on mailing lists and the like, I'm open to just about anything that doesn't cost money. That probably doesn't give me too many options, though I'm pursuing just about all of them. As of yet I haven't found the right solution for the weekly subscriptions.
