photo by Alice Lum |
If Mrs. MacGregor had once had plans for a society wedding breakfast or reception in her East 70th Street home, they were dashed.
The MacGregor home at No. 34 East 70th Street had been built three decades earlier by speculative developers Charles Graham & Sons. One of a row of nearly identical homes, its brownstone façade and high stoop were decidedly out of date. In 1924 James P. Warburg would do something about that.
The German-born banker was a member of the powerful Warburg family and son of Paul Warburg, known as the Father of the Federal Reserve System. He served in World War I in the Navy Flying Corps. On June 1, 1918, while still serving as an ensign in the aviation section of the Naval Reserve, he married the popular musician and composer Katherine Swift, who went by the name Kay. The wedding took place in his mother’s home.
By now he was Vice President of the International Acceptance Bank.
Like many of the 19th century residences in the area, the Warburgs had No. 34 updated—removing the stoop and stripping the Victorian trappings from the façade. In the meantime, the high-end neighborhood continued to fill with wealthy residents. Next door at No. 36 lived Dr. and Mrs. Henry James and their four small sons, Henry, Morgan, Beverly and Willis.
James Warburg’s far flung talents went far beyond banking and aviation. In 1929 he wrote the lyrics to his wife’s hit song “Can’t We Be Friends?,” using the pseudonym Paul James. It was sung in the “Little Show” by Libby Holman and was just one of the couple’s collaborations. The following year they wrote the Broadway musical Fine and Dandy.
In addition, Warburn wrote several books devoted to monetary matters.
The same year that Warburg and Kay wrote “Can’t We Be Friends?” he purchased the house next door at No. 36 from Francis R. Appleton. Architect William Lawrence Bottomley redesigned the two houses as one. In 1930 the Department of Buildings documented the completion of a “one-family house” with a two-car garage in the basement.
The reconfigured residence featured a rusticated limestone base and two balconies that stretched with width of the structure at the second and third floors. Near-random limestone blocks punctuated the stuccoed facade, and a pleasing Florentine arcade distinguished the top story.
The Warburgs' houses once matched the last-surviving brownstone of the row, next door -- photo by Alice Lum |
photo by Alice Lum |
Detectives were called and nothing was found missing. The Times reported that “it was believed that the thieves had taken fright at something in the street and had fled.” Kay immediately retained a special watchman.
The low stone base and stuccoed upper facade made the double-wide house unique among its neighbors -- photo by Alice Lum |
With the coming of the Great Depression, Warburg was appointed financial advisor to President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Under-Secretary of the Treasury. In 1933 he attended the World Economic Conference in London as the monetary adviser to the American delegation. He was now Vice Chairman of the Board at the Bank of the Manhattan Company.
photo by Alice Lum |
Warburg’s long absences from New York no doubt helped fuel a long-existing involvement between Kay and George Gershwin. On November 6, 1934 The New York Timesreported that “Mrs. James Paul Warburg has arrived in Reno to establish residence and sue for divorce, it became known here yesterday.”
A month later, on December 20, the divorce was granted. The Times noted “The charge was cruelty.”
The following year Warburg married Phyllis Baldwin. Although the Warburg and his three daughters continued to live on at No. 34 with the new Mrs. Walburg, the two houses were separated in 1935. The Department of Buildings noted that in 1941 there were now one apartments, one per floor in both addresses.
photo by Alice Lum |
The year after Warburg announced the engagement of his daughter, Kay, in 1947, he remarried yet again; this time to Joan Melber.
In 1953 the two houses were joined again in a renovation that resulted in two apartments per floor. Today the remarkable building survives with its back-and-forth history as two, then one, then two, then one structure. A Warburg still resides in the upper apartments. The eccentric façade contributes to the grab-bag of architecture along the block.